Ilford Delta 400 Pro, D-76 (1+1), 5.5min
Epson 4490
My experience with film photography began in April 2010 with a basic Holga 120N, a simple camera with no “real” controls. Over the past two years, my interest in analog photography has increased dramatically and my collection of film cameras have grown to include a Bronica ETRSi, a Mamiya C220 Professional, a Nikon F, and a Zorki-4.
While each of these cameras are different in format or use (645 SLR, 6×6 TLR, 35mm SLR, 35mm rangefinder), I found myself missing the sheer simplicity of a Holga, which I had long before dismantled. I found an Ansco Shur Shot camera for less than $5 a couple months ago and simply couldn’t resist picking up a 50+ year old camera that still worked flawlessly.
The above photograph is notable in that it was taken in Boston in January of 2012 and instead of the snowfall we would normally expect, we see only recently fallen leaves.