30mm, f/11, 13 sec, ISO 200
ND400 9-stop filter
I still have more photographs to post from both my charity bike ride in Morocco and the DMU Boston meetup, but I’ve put off posting shots from the Boston University Photography Club twilight shoot at Lo Presti Park for far too long.
This particular shot was one that I had flagged as a keeper the moment I reviewed it on the LCD of my camera when I shot it. I’ve put off posting it because I couldn’t decide whether or not people looking at the photo would like how the old pier posts blend into the blackness of the cityscape (I figured y’all wouldn’t.) After several weeks of going back and forth, I was reminded of the fact (again) that this is my photograph and I like- no- love the colors and tones in this and even though I do like it when others say they enjoy my work, it’s shouldn’t become my primary motive for pursuing photography as I do- and it’s not.
Also, I love me some purple.