Ilford Delta 400 Pro, D-76 (stock), 10.5min
Epson 4490
This image is from the very first roll of film I have ever developed (and only the fourth I have ever shot through. The first one was back in January, the next two came just before this one.) Considering it’s my first roll and I’ve never even practiced loading the film onto the reel, I’m fairly pleased with the results. And I have to say, the whole process- from shooting blind to loading the film blind to developing to scanning- the whole process was just fantastic! I’ve been told that the true magic lies in making prints, but until I can get the film onto a reel without totally destroying it (as I did here), there’s no reason to waste even more money on paper.
As it comes out, this image (or images, as this is indeed a double exposure) was taken on the same day as all of the shots from the Prime Lens Photowalk with the Boston Photo Mob just over two weeks ago. When I saw the results of this one when I pulled it out of the reel, I almost immediately noticed the PostSecret-type feel to it and I knew I’d be posting this shot.